Jumat, 09 April 2010
Passive Voice
"I love you"
Sikander Ziad Hashmi, sunniforum.com
“I love you.”
It’s a sentence most of us have probably used at one time or another, though we probably don’t want elaborate on the context we’ve used it in.
But hey, what’s wrong with love?
Love is one of the central human emotions. We all experience love for someone or something, to varying degrees, at one time or another. Most of the time, when we think of love, it brings a warm, fuzzy, and sometimes naughty feeling – the type that makes us feel that nothing in the world matters, with the exception of our beloved.
We are often hushed up and reluctant to discuss love with anyone, except for maybe our close friends. But if we think about it, love isn’t something bad. In fact, it too is a blessing of Allah. Think: if there was no love in the world, every single person would fight everyone else. There would be no peace and happiness. The world would be a terrible place without love.
One of the strongest (if not the strongest) bonds of love are between family members. Thus, Allah has made all believers brothers (and sisters). That’s why we should try to love all Muslims as our brothers and sisters.
aku mendapatkan pekerjaan yang bagus dalam menunjang karir ku nanti, agar aku dapat membangun sebuah rumah impian.
aku mendapatkan jodoh yang baik dan beriman yang dapat membimbingku kearah yang positif dan menjadi keluarga yang sakinah. amiiiiiin......................
atas semua yang telah diberikan tuhan terhadapku, memberikan keluarga yang baik dan mencintaiku, memberikan rezeki yang melimpah untukku dan keluargaku, memberikan sahabat-sahabat yang baik, teman-teman yang perduli terhadapku, saudara-saudara yang mencintaiku.
apapun yang telah diberikannya aku akan selalu bersyukur, karena tak ingin menjadi orang yang tidak tau bersyukur.
Artikel yang berisi kalimat If clause
The Associated Press , United Nations | Sat, 04/10/2010 7:49 AM | World
Global life expectancy has increased sharply from 47 years in 1950-55 to 68 years in 2005-2010, the U.N. said in a report Friday.
The report by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said people are living longer mainly because of improvements in nutrition and hygiene, and advances in vaccines and medical treatments against infectious and parasitic diseases that are "communicable."
With the decline in mortality more pronounced at younger ages, deaths have become increasingly concentrated at older ages when people are more likely to develop "non-communicable" chronic and degenerative diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart and respiratory problems, the report said.
Globally, it said, the proportion of deaths at age 60 or over has risen from 26 percent in 1950-55 to 54 percent in 2005-2010.
According to the report, the shift from communicable to non-communicable diseases as the main cause of deaths has occurred in all regions of the world except sub-Saharan Africa, where the HIV/AIDS epidemic is widespread and infectious and parasitic diseases still claim many lives.
If mortality continues to decline worldwide, the report said, the burden from non-communicable diseases will become even greater.
Because most of these diseases are chronic and require long-term treatment and management, it recommends that efforts be concentrated in delaying the onset of illness.
The report said governments can do this by taking measures to reduce the risk factors associated with chronic diseases such as overweight, physical inactivity, tobacco use and alcohol abuse.
It also calls for governments to address the global shortage of health workers, especially in developing countries.
The report will be discussed at a meeting of the U.N. Commission on Population and Development from April 12-16 at U.N. headquarters.
Abuse not legal in questioning
Eny wulandari
The Jakarta post/JAKARTA
Police should not abuse witnesses during an investigation and it can be used againt5s them at trial, experts say.
National commission o human rights chairman ifdal kasim said Tuesday that this conduct cdould be considered an act against human rights.
Ifdal was among expert witnesses who testified in favor sukatma bin susandhi or aan, arrested and tried for possession of ectasy pill, in another hearing at the south Jakarta district court.
Ifdal also said that evidence that was obtained by violence and presented at trial could be considered a “fabrication”, breaching the investagion procedure.
“it is considered as a state failture not to protect citizens’ human rights,” ifdal said
Sr. Comr. Alfonso, indoneisan Institute of police science (PITK) rector, present as an expert witnesses, said that officers involved in violence during aan’s questioning could face the law.
Earlier,witnesses tyas rumanti said that the defendant, her husband, suffered several facial in juries. “ he was also handcuffed,” she said.
Tyas said that she had heard people in a meeting room on the eighth floor of the arta graham building,south Jakarta, where her husband hyad been interroatwd for possessing an ecstasy pill.
Alfonso said another possible procedural fault surrounding aan’s questioningwas that the Jakarta police had made the dossier of the questioning, while officer from Maluku police had questioned aan.
It is unusual that Jakarta police made the dossier but Maluku regional police interrogated aan,” he said.
Aan testified at Tuesday’s hearing that Maluku officers questioned him on illegal wapon ownership.
He said that Sr. Comr. Jhony siahaan had asked for him to show the location of the weapon otherwise the police would take the drug possession incident to trial.
“ I told them what I knew about the weapon based on secondhand accounts,” he said.
Aann said another officer, second brig. Oet put5uarima, later searched his clothes to discover a wallet.
After that, aan said, obet left the room where he was investigated and came in with the wallet wrapped in pplastic.
Obet, he added, showed him the drug wrapped in folded papper money.
He dained the money and drug was hi8s.”they did not ask me where I had received it,” he said.
“ I was beaten and kicked during the questioning session. They also forced me to take off my clithes,” said aan.
He added that he was bullied into signing the dossier of the drug case without reading it.
Prior to the questioning session, aan said he had been questioned twice over drug.
Aan was arrested by investigators from the Jakarta Police on Dec. 14 after investigators from the Maluku Regional Police had reportedly found 0,1467 grams of Ectasy.
He has been charged with article 112 of the 2009 narcotics law on illeal drug possession.
Senin, 05 April 2010
Terima Kasih
terimaksih telah merawatku dari kecil hingga seperti ini, bundaku yang tidak mengenal kata lelah untuk menjagaku.
bundaku yang baik...
terimakasih telah mendidikku, mengajariku hal-hal baik sehingga aku tumbuh menjadi anak yang mempunyai sikap dan sifat yang tidak menyusahkan oranglain.
aku sangat mencintaimu, sangat menyayangimu... hidupku adalah milikkmu, nafasku adalah jiwamu... semua akan kulakukan untukmu, akan kuberikan sesuatu yang membuatmu bangga telah melahirkanku.....
Maafkan aku yang tak mampu berbuat banyak untukmu dan aku juga belum bisa memenuhi keinginanmu... bukan karena tidak suka ataupun tidak sayang tapi terlebih karena diriku yang belum siap untuk kearah yang lebih serius.....
aku ingin kita lebih memikirkan dan merancang masa depan dengan baik agar tujuan kita sama-sama tercapai dan tidak akan menimbulkan masalah yang akan membuat kita berpisah.